Setup and Configuration

Go to WooCommerce > Deposits > Settings

General #

By enabling Advanced WooCommerces Deposits and Payment Plans, customers can start deposits for products in your shop.

Storewide Deposits Settings

By default all products in your shop will follow these settings. You can also override these settings for each product separately to make exceptions.

To apply the Deposit option on a global or storewide basis,

Deposit Type – Percentage #

Option for site admin to set Deposit Type as Percentage.

Eg: Let’s say product price is $100 and the deposit percentage as 30%, then the customer will be allowed to pay 30% of product price i.e $30 as deposit amount and the remaining amount will be paid later.

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Deposit Type – Fixed Amount #

Option for site admin to set Deposit Type as Fixed Amount.

Eg: Let’s say product price is $100 and the fixed deposit amount as $40, then customer will be allowed to pay $40 as deposit amount and the remaining amount will be paid later.

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Deposit Type – Payment Plans #

Option for site admin to set Deposit Type as Payment Plans.

Payment Plans give customers the option to pay an down payment and the remaining payments at a later date, dividing payments into multiple parts over time. This would be similar to a loan, layaway, installment payments, flexible payments or credit plan.

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Set the created plans in the Payment Plans option,

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If you do not want deposits enabled for all products, skip these settings and go to Productwide Deposits Settings below,

Productwide Deposits Settings

To override storewide settings for specific product,

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Note: Supports both Simple and Variable(Variation Level) Products.

Go to WooCommerce > Deposits > Payment Plans.

  • Plan Name – Name shown to the customer when viewing the plan.
  • Plan Description – Description shown to the customer when choosing a plan.

Plan Schedule

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Emails #

Emails can be sent to the customers for the respective deposit activities.

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