Frequently Asked Questions

Our Extensions FAQs

  • How to contact us?

    Contact via support through our email and hence our team will take care as soon as possible.

  • How can I translate the plugins?

    Steps to perform the translation are as follows. For example, a translation to Spanish for Advanced WooCommerce Deposits and Payment Plans plugin,

    - Download and install Poedit

    - Open the file advanced-woocommerce-deposits > languages > advanced-woocommerce-deposits.pot using Poedit.

    - Create a new translation file by clicking the create new translation button.

    - Choose the source text and set its corresponding Spanish text in the Translation Text Area.

    - Save the changes.

    - Save the file name as advanced-woocommerce-deposits-es_ES.po.

    - If you are using WordPress Version 4.0 or above, then go to WordPress dashboard > Settings > General and select the Site Language as Spanish.

  • How to customize our plugin emails?

    Navigate to WooCommerce > Settings > Emails. You can customize our each email template by clicking the Manage button > Copy the file to the theme > Edit the template > Save changes.

  • Does the Advanced WooCommerce Deposits and Payment Plans plugin supports automatic payments?

    Yes, using official WooCommerce Stripe it’s possible with our plugin. 

  • Where we can check the supported payment gateways for price update via Bulk Updater for WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin?

    To check the price update support for payment gateways, navigate to WooCommerce > Settings > Payments and check the tooltip for amount changes feature available under the Automatic Recurring Payments column.

  • Does the WooCommerce Product Subtitle plugin offer compatibility with any SEO plugins, and if so, could you provide a list of those plugins?

    Yes, the WooCommerce Product Subtitle plugin is compatible with several SEO plugins. 

    Here are some of them: 

    Yoast SEO: This is a comprehensive SEO plugin that offers a wide range of features to optimize your website. 

    Rank Math: It’s a fast-growing user-friendly SEO plugin that allows you to optimize your product pages.

  • Are we currently communicating via chat or video call?

    Our communication via chat only.

  • What are we working for?

    Our Team focuses on creating Premium Extensions for WooCommerce which are available in and in Envatomarket places.